A GAM for time trends in a stepped-wedge trial with a binary outcome

In a previous post, I described some ways one might go about analyzing data from a stepped-wedge, cluster-randomized trial using a generalized additive model (a GAM), focusing on continuous outcomes. I have spent the past few weeks developing a similar model for a binary outcome, and have started to explore model comparison and methods to evaluate goodness-of-fit. The following describes some of my thought process. Data generation The data generation process I am using here follows along pretty closely with the earlier post, except, of course, the outcome has changed from continuous to binary. [Read More]

Simulating data from a non-linear function by specifying a handful of points

Trying to simulate data with non-linear relationships can be frustrating, since there is not always an obvious mathematical expression that will give you the shape you are looking for. I’ve come up with a relatively simple solution for somewhat complex scenarios that only requires the specification of a few points that lie on or near the desired curve. (Clearly, if the relationships are straightforward, such as relationships that can easily be represented by quadratic or cubic polynomials, there is no need to go through all this trouble. [Read More]
R  simulation  GAM